I've honestly been having trouble dedicating time to sew because I've spent the past couple of weeks trying to finish work I couldn't get to during the time I was sick. In light of this, I decided to limit my sewing sesh to 2 hours in hopes that I won't feel as bad for "wasting" time I could spend on other work.
In this 2 hours I had to design and create the piece. Some other limitations I put on myself was that I had to make something new from an item already in my closet, and I wanted to produce as little scrap material as possible.
I ended up picking this black cardigan (left) I thrifted over the summer. I only wore it once, and the silhouette was very granny-like, so it needed a makeover. From here, I started sketching some possible designs. I drew a lot of inspiration from Danielle Guizio's knit collection which used knits as skirts and crop tops instead of a traditional sweater. I ended up picking the skirt and the matching knit top (the two pieces on the right hand side of the page). The button down was a cool idea I want to try with an old men's shirt. I have way too many of them thrifted to use as cover ups.
I took about 20 minutes trying to pick a piece and sketch up ideas, so I set a 1 hr 40 min timer and got to working. I included process pics and the "final" piece below.
I didn't end up adding the "v" to the skirt because it was honestly... really tiny as it is. I didn't actually get to finish some of the seams on this piece because I ran out of time (2 hours is really not enough). I plan on finishing this up soon and photographing some pics to model it later.
Overall, I really liked having the constraints. The time constraint not only alleviated some of my stress of not having "enough time" to sew, but it also forced me to pic a design and commit to it. A lot of times I'm too scared to even start sewing because I think I'm going to "ruin" the piece, but I can't even ruin it if I don't start sewing it in the first place! Some cons are that I rushed the measuring and cutting part, so the skirt is a ~little~ too short for my liking. Also, trying to make one piece from two was really fun because I really had to figure out how to maximize the amount of material I had. My last constraint of trying to produce minimal waste also pushed me to add a wrap detail around the waist of the top which I think is a really nice touch. I'm really happy I did this, it made me fall in love with sewing again, and now I have a huge pile of pieces I want to make. Now I just need to find the time...
I'll finish the set and take pictures to update you all later!